A place where healing can begin…
providing free, confidential services to child abuse victims and their families.
Harmony Home Children’s Advocacy Center exists to break the silence and heal the hurt of child abuse. We exist to assist abused children in telling their stories in a safe environment, provide the best care available for their investigative cases, and treat them and their non-offending caregivers with specialized therapy to get them through the trauma of child abuse. Harmony Home also aims to teach our community the effects of child abuse and how to recognize, react, and report child abuse responsibly. Harmony Home, in conjunction with our Child Protection Team (CPT), is determined to help abused children find justice and healing.
Report suspected abuse or neglect.
Report suspected abuse or neglect.
Harmony Home is not the first stop if abuse is suspected. A report must first be made to CPS or law enforcement to begin the healing process that a Children’s Advocacy Center offers. In case of emergency, dial 911.
Upcoming events
Party in the Parking lot for Awareness
The Story of Arturo by Kortney Williams
Bourbon & Bubbly Evening Celebration